Please could we have the ability to enforce the postcode format in the postcode field on Admission Forms? As far as I'm aware the only formatting option available at the moment on the form is to enforce first letter capitalisation. It would be nic...
The options available for access arrangements for exams are not completely meeting the needs that our pupils have. We would ideally need a 'colour overlay' tick box and a 'other' tick box. This would meet needs such as fidget toys, ear defenders, etc
We use Forms for a yearly Data Collection exercise. It would be useful if we could use dynamic text fields to pre-populate a form with parents' address details and phone numbers (pulled from SIMS). That way we can simply ask parents to confirm the...
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Reach
In Discovery
Can there be a dialog box mentioning the register hasn't been taken for all students when closing the window/ pressing the save button. (when you take the register and you are overseeing 1 person it has been marked as no register being taken). May...
Add Student/Pupil Name to the Fixed and Variable Direct Debit Plan Schedules screens, and add a Search option
It is difficult, especially in schools with large numbers of direct debits, to quickly find plans for specific students on both the Fixed and the Variable Plan Schedules screens . Adding a Search option, which looks at student or bill-payer name, ...
Option To Remove 'All Present' / 'All Absent' Button during Registration
Please add the ability to remove the 'All Present' / 'All Absent' functionality from the registration screen. It not only leads to mistakes being made, which is then a Health & Safety issue, but also means that any prepopulated data that the o...
Include a simple Status filter on the built-in SEN reports (current/former/applicant)
Include a simple Status filter on the built-in Pupil Registers->Reports->Standard Reports->Special Educational Needs reports, to filter by current/former/applicant status. It's crazy that this isn't already there and, currently, all of th...
We record student SEN profiles as google documents and add links to these in the SEN register (in Pupil Registers). Access to these documents would be so much easier for staff if these links were clickable.
Currently if you import a recurring column marked Y the recurring is set indefinitely. It would be useful to set end date so therefore awards can be imported recurring three times for one academic year