Change the focus of Detention Manager to Interventions Manager
To change from pure detention to more intervention with strategies employed that could be analysed for effectiveness. The rewards and conduct manager could feed into this and create the alert to action. Once this has been actioned and a resolution...
Changing the Status for Learning Aims to Completed with an Actual End Date
It is a reqirement of the October Census that we record the Learning Aims for all our stduents which included a Planned End Date. It is also a requirement that the Acual End Date is entered for every Learning Aim with a reason. When students drop ...
At the minute we are asking teachers to specify the teacher, description, Work Set and Department when giving out detentions but the notification to Parents doesn't include this information. it would be nice if we had the ability to customise the ...
As the family tree function is no longer in use, we have no way of recording the relationship of one parent to another (eg divorced, separated) - this information can be useful in dealing sensitively with pupils and their families. Please can we e...
It seems possible to allocate the same candidate number to several private candidates. Please could there be a check to stop this happening? It is currently not possible to sort on candidate number in the private candidate view. It would be helpfu...
Mark teachers unavailable during Absent and Free periods
It would be helpful to be able block times when staff are unavailable (due to ad hoc meetings etc) during their non-teaching periods. This would prevent them from being allocated cover.
It would be really useful if we can add custom fields to be added in the page when we add a new absence, and be able to export this custom field. For example, we would like to be able to add an 'Absence Type' with options of it being 'School' or '...
We have house competitions, where the winning house gets e.g. 100 points, second gets 75 etc. We would like a way to add these into Rewards & Conduct without having them attached to an individual pupil.
FORMS - parent must complete required fields before proceeding through form
For required fields, parents should not have option to proceed through form until they complete the individual 'required field'. When they skip options and move on, Submit button is then greyed out and it is not clear what info is missing
Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...