It would be useful to have the option to link custom groups to student registers so that we only need to update any pupil changes in one place and can still contact everyone. Alternative on the registers tab it would be useful to have a "or" optio...
We have hundreds of legacy expired custom groups. They need deleting one by one and it is a time consuming process because the view switches every time a delete is saved and the expired group needs finding again. I have third party apps that displ...
Multiple registers is presently an all or nothing feature. Suggestion for a future update whereby lunch / tutor time can be the exception to this rule e.g. when a teacher teaches the same class before lunch as after lunch
A student being present the lesson before lunch say Physics but then leaves school at lunch time/during pm tutor time is still being marked automatically present for the Physics lesson after lunch.
Add support to retrieve subjects under School Roles similar to Roles and Departments in HR manager
We have been asked to extract the subject data from HR Manager.There is already support for roles and departments under the following endpoints: humanresources/employees/{id}/roleshumanresources/employees/{id}/departments Is it possible to add sim...
Statistical reports to show which pages are visited by parents and when
We want to know which pages within our Parent Portal the parents are actually visiting.Can we please have the Parent Portal Statistics reports show which pages are visited by parents and when.Thank you.
We would find it very helpful for the "Reg Alert" in Registration to also be available in the iTeacher app. We have a lot of teachers who do their registers on their mobile devices, which is particularly useful for e.g,. Games lessons, when the te...
It would be really useful if there was functionality that if you remove a room closure in Cover Manager that it would revert any of the room swaps back to their original room, rather than having to do these all manually. Thank you.
We can see the medical flags and columns for pupil register association in the School Register tab but not in period/day/week view. This would be very useful when our attendance team are checking/chasing.
Calculated columns in Gradebooks available in Tracking Manager
Now that Calculated Columns are sharable across Gradebooks, and able to publish to reports, that data must be being stored somewhere. Would it be possible, therefore, to view those columns in Tracking Manager?