It would be useful to be able to copy an existing email template from the "Shared E-mail Templates" or "My E-Mails Templates" section. The current options are archive, edit or delete, and a copy button would be useful for when creating an addition...
Within Calendar Manager, there is a section devoted to importing the calendar via a spreadsheet. If your spreadsheet has been successfully imported, you will get an on-screen message telling you so. However, if you go to the History section, you w...
At the moment, when Activity Manager groups are shared on the Parent Portal, the groups are ordered by group name. Groups are listed by category, so the order of the categories will vary from parent to parent depending upon exactly which groups th...
Automatically Update Username in Parent Portal when Contact email address is changed
When a parent email address is updated in Pupil Manager, please could thier username in Parent Portal also be updated as we currently have to do this manually at the moment.
Ability to add teaching staff even if they haven't been assigned a timetable
We are unable to create any absences for our Cover Supervisors because they don't have any timetabled lessons. Would it be possible to include such staff when we 'create an absence' please?
Apparently staff absences in iSAMS are treated in increments of 0.5 (or nearest 0.5) for half a day even if someone had a dentist appointment for one hour. It would be great if iSAMS could allow us to record more fine staff absences such as 0.1 as...
It would be really useful if timed out requisitions/orders could be saved as drafts. In a busy school office, there are often interruptions part way through processing a requisition and by the time the staff get back to it, it has timed out meanin...
Vicky Redburn
10 months ago
in IRIS PS Purchasing
Awaiting Prioritization