Hi, I was advised to Add Contact for Contacts if there are multiple email address / telephone numbers if I do not want to overwrite the existing ones, the same goes for Contact Address. This results in manual data entry of other information that d...
Option to disable the editing of profile (adresses, phone, name, emails...) for parents
When parents are editing their profile info (emails, adresses, phone number...) it cuts ans stops the communication with another software we are using for enrollment. It would be helpful to add an option for administrators to unable changes from u...
Sanatorium Manager had a calendar section for each pupil. This meant that visits are not just shown in a list but can be viewed as a calendar view per pupil also. This would be a good option to have in the new Medical Module.
It would be helpful to be able to filter the access to different consent registers, so that only the filtered groups have access to complete the consent register from the portals, and for just groups of pupils to be included in the relevant consen...
Link Set-based registration to Timetable Suspensions
At the moment, set-based lesson registration takes no account of Timetable Suspensions in Cover Manager, so, for example, during school exams the Take a Registration wizard still expects exam groups to be registered in their lessons despite their ...
It would be very useful to be able to view the email queue before sending an email using the email wizard. (i.e. for an administrator to be able to see the current Communication Summary screen at any time, and not only after choosing to send an em...
Identifying when a teacher is already marked out for cover
After a recent update on iSAMS, now when I enter a member of staff for cover - usually a week off wilth illness, a message comes up - this staff is already marked out for cover during this time.- however it doesn't tell you when? Therefore when tr...
A number of iSAMS-created reports are being pushed to the various modules. Schools have control over the allocation of their own reports, but do not have the same level of control over iSAMS-created reports. If schools de-allocate an iSAMS report,...
As registration by division does not work for us. It would be good idea to delete the divisions and have just one in case of our school. However iSAMS support says this should not be done. Giving us no option on support on how to achieve this.