This would be useful if we could do bulk refund of deposits held for leavers- especially at the end of the year when we have lots of Year 13s leaving. This was something we could do as a bulk thing when we used PASS Thanks
We are getting more and more SAR requests these days. Families are asking for a full breakdown in CSV format which shows all the payments/transactions made via ParentMail.
Changing the default setting when viewing a year groups registration periods from 'All Division' to the relevant division for each year group
Where a school has multiple divisions, and different set times for each division, iSAMS defaults to 'All Divisions'. Every registration period is visible even if not relevant to that year group. As each year group is associated with a particular d...
Amending the 'Available until' dates of columns of multilple gradebooks in one-go
Often times, when there is an unfortunate need to change the dates in 'Available to enter until' for many columns of multiple gradebooks much later, it is insanely time consuming to change the dates one by one. To simplify the process, it would be...
We recently noticed that our teachers had access to the communication and email history of all staff with students. This meant that if a student had received emails from multiple staff members, all teachers could view these interactions. Due to GD...
have a search bar in the parent portal calendar would be useful so parents can find events based on keywords as currently would have to rely on events having subcategories/ or know the date of the event
It would be really helpful for the document preview window to be available when entering debit notes as it is when entering invoices. Currently you need the document on a separate screen to have the information available to enter.
Schools need to be able to add a UPN for an applicant at any time of the year, not just during term time (the terms are set up in School Manager and determine when a UPN can be added to an applicant record).
It would be useful to be able to have a User attached to multiple Security Profiles so we don't have to make so many. For example the Boarding staff are compromised of Teachers and Support Staff. So we currently need to have a Teachers profile, a ...