There is currently no option to make a draft purchase order. Our teachers and support staff often start a PO and need a save draft option if they are quickly needed somewhere else or balancing tasks. It would be helpful if they could do a draft sa...
The ability to create a letter from within iFinance would make the credit control process much more efficient and less prone to error. We are a school and our customer accounts are fee-paying parents. From the Sales > Customers screen, for each...
As it is required that invigilators confirm identity of all exam candidates it would be ideal to be able to upload private external exam candidate's photographs
Warning for Schools when importing DfE CTFs not to update Basic details so case of names not changes in the system
When importing Assessment files from DfE if a school forgets to change the field to not update basic details it changes all the Pupil names to capital letters in Ed:gen. A warning message would be helpful.
In Central, when designing a report, student photos are available in the dataset, however, the menu structure to add them into a page is not available. Could this function be added?
The ability to tick a box and resend an email communication to a parent/student rather then having to go through the whole process again of sending it.
At the start of every year parents have numerous forms to complete in the parent portal. Many of our parents have commented that they are unsure which forms they have completed and which ones they still need to do. Would it be possible to include ...
We use the Former Pupil Tab for our Alumni database, the option for 'Enrolment School Year' does not go back far enough and is not consistent, on one record it starts at 1994/95 and then another it starts at 1943/44 and then jumps to 1994/95, assu...