Once a parent completes the electronic form on the Parent Portal, the form automatically gets added to their Pupil Manager record as a Document. Ideally the fields would also pull through to their profile as well (i.e. if using it as a consent for...
We LOVE the use of integrated flags/icons and the pop-out Summary View for Student Registers. However, the pop-out Summary View is only available if the staff member has Read access to the Student Registers module (and that specific register withi...
When using Leave Requests within Registration Manager, why have isams made it so that you have to select a tiny 'select all' box? Can isams not just show straight away if we have any pending, completed, approved or rejected requests?
Please could we have a recalculate function on direct debits. If you change fees or scholarship remission or bursary remissions within a pupils fee table, it would be great to have a recalculation function within direct debits to recalculate the r...
The window size to input consultations and read previous consultations is extremely small, can this be made bigger? Is there the option, similar to primary care electronic patient record systems - such as EMIS or System One - to have a template wi...
1. Bill payer is company. 2. A copy of the bill is sent to the parent (Copy Bill Recipient). However in this copy of the bill, the bill to details is changed to the Parent Details. This create confusion to the parent (recipient). See screenshot 2 ...
Allow different default enquiry admission statuses for different types of enquiry form
At the moment the Enquiry Form takes the default Admission Status from the Admissions Enquiry Configuration screen. We have a standard enquiry form and a bursary enquiry form. Both of these will default to status of Enquiry but I want one to Enqui...
Ability to add more fields to the reports in wizard bar
In the Year Group list and Tutor list in the Wizard Bar, Academic house is now available to select as a field to add to the report, only boarding house. The Form List does have this option so we would like the reports to be standardised. It will b...
Ability to upload a document in the Fee Billing Module
It will be very useful to be able to upload documents to a pupil's record in the fee billing module. For example, we have Direct debit mandates or parent's communications with account's information that we would like to upload in this module which...
Always add new fields to dropdowns for export wizard, query builder and Group Edit
Whenever a new field is added to a module such as HR Manager or Student Manager, please include this field in the dropdown menus for export, query builder and Group Edit functions within the associated module. This is especially key for fields whi...