when you create and electronic form and use the date field, for any date ie dob, date of transport, date of signing the form, the year starts at 1923! Obviously we don't select 1923 often, could the years available be revised please?
Private Candidate - info to include an email address.
As title. Not having an email contact address for a private candidate means that their details are incomplete. A field for their photograph would also be advantageous.
Enable Gradebook columns in Student Focus with an associated Subject
We have gradebooks managed by Curriculum Manager. As such, all our Subjects are set up in the CM module and are available in Gradebooks as tags/filters etc. When adding gradebooks data to a Student focus model in Tracking Manager, however, the Sub...
Can we please have the ability to remove Former pupils from Activities. We can search for Current & Former pupils in many modules within iSAMS, can we please also have this in the Activities module. Thank you!
Ability to select multiple divisions in period view under registration
We need to be able to select the junior and senior school for registration purposes as our Pre-Prep School is separate. We also have issues with an inability to print just the junior and senior school report as the pre-prep shows also on the print...
Please can we have clear instructions for how to proceed if a current student's parent notifies us that the family is going to be moving house in a month's time and provides the new address. The existing fields for future address and move in date ...
On the Bulk Printing tab in the Reports Printing module you have the ability to select various kinds of filters for the output (e.g. Form Group). There is an option to order the output by Pastoral Tutor, but there is no option to filter the output...
Additional fields - Year and Form - to inbuilt registration report - Group Analysis Report – Analysis by Code - Group by Student Surname
Group Analysis Report – Analysis by Code - Group by Student Surname. I strongly believe that this request benefits all schools using iSAMS in their registration report data analysis. See screenshot attached - adding 2 columns fields, Year(NC), and...