Editing pencil tool for renaming uploaded documents on Admission portal
It would be quite good to have an option to edit (pencil tool) the names of uploaded documents on Admission portal itself as it is difficult to identify the document after moving the student to Applicants. Otherwise there should be a preview for d...
Ability to enter a weekly absence for a number of weeks
I need the ability to enter a member of staff absent for the same period for a number of weeks rahter than having to enter the absence infividually. Ie Monday p3 for 6 weeks.
When teachers input a particular grade, the entry box changes colour based on the data that has been entered. Thereby reducing the chance of data being entered incorrectly.
Seating Plans - Space or "Holding Bay" to Move Candidates When Manually Adjusting Seating
When you have a full room but need to manually adjust seating, for those with access arrangements etc, it would be useful to have space outside the plan to temporarily move students. Otherwise the full room leaves very little room for maneuver.
Is it possible to use the information in Scholarships & Exams to create an icon similar to when using student registers? We want our Scholars easily identified on student manager and the icons from student registers would work really well.
Linking the Scholarship & Exams info to Student Registers would be very helpful. This way scholars are easily identifiable to teachers via the icons available on Student Registers. It also makes it then easier to email scholars as a group via ...
Bulk Change <User Group>, <Security Group>, and <User Type>
I find it a bit odd that I can make changes to all other aside from: This make it incredibly tedious when you need to move people into a user/security group.For example: with the recent Medical Centre/Health Records changes we've created a new Sec...