External Menu to be Stacked on Cloud Portal Manager
Some schools have more than 3 or may add links to external websites, using iSAMS as SSO. The link menu, which is horizontally arranged, made the page wide and problematic to access easily. The classic portal can stack external links on single menu.
Cloud Parent Portal Student Dashboard - House and Form also a link to display full profile
Its good if the student Dashboard has more data show like Form and Sport House. This would allow parent to see which class and Sport house their child belong too. Also make it available a link/menu for a parent to check Child/Children data like Bi...
Exclude non-teaching staff from Report Wizard "View As" list
Currently, the View As drop down list in Reports Wizard and OAS includes all staff, including non-teaching staff and those who are not eligible for submitting a report in the selected cycle. It would be great if this could be pared down - ideally ...
Documents uploaded to Student/Admission Manager under the category 'Medical Documents' should also be visible in the Medical Centre module under Documents.
We would be like to be able to display red, amber, green styles in tracking model columns linked to baseline grades. For example, if a pupil's baseline grade is 7, and their termly grade is 8 = green. Although it's possible to set style objects ac...
Improve Daily Bulletin formatting, consistency and feed
The RSS Specification notes that the within the <item><description> element entity-encoded HTML is allowed, so it would be preferrable for it to be possible to add basic HTML formatting tags like <b>, <i>, tables with <t...
I have swapped to a Portrait view of iSAMS, which is so much easier to use. However, after every search, in order to see the Student Names, I need to hide the RHS Search Tips. I'm an experienced user and I don't want to see these tips so hiding th...
Show Medical Flag Notes in Medical Centre section of Portal
In addition to showing the different categories from Medical Centre in Parent Portal, it would be good if we could also show parents the "medical flag notes" that we are storing about each child. This tends to be where we store the main / summary ...
Can we only allow admin or certain people to delete out of school records please? Often, someone overwritten or delete the current out of school records and leave the pupil not registered for the whole range of time, which is a disaster for regist...