Currently, the label template is generic and doesn’t align with any common template that are available for purchase. Please can the option be available to upload templates such as avery ones.
Ability to add/update attachments to Bulletin items
We regularly add Bulletin items as soon as we know when something is going to happen, but add the attachment of who it affects nearer the time. However, there is no way to attach anything to an existing Bulletin item - we need to recreate the item...
Would it be possible to schedule emails to go at certain points of the year to a certain type of person/group of people on the database to aid the admissions process? For example every January, on a set date, those who have accepted a place to joi...
A way to track audit of all exports happening through export wizard
This is mainly for backend management and will be useful to the IT team for each school. If a data is incorrect and several teachers have downloaded that data while it was incorrect, there is currently no way to point who has the wrong data and in...
We are a new school to iSAMS and have noticed that there are some basic data security options that are missing. Examples:Student registers for SEN - The document store requires a user to download a copy of the document to read it - this means ther...
I would like the ability to turn off the "Email Batch Report" messages which get sent to staff following an email going through Email Wizard. I do not think it is good practice for staff to have emails containing lists of parent email addresses in...
Allow HoD Assessment grades to be used in Tracking Manager
Currently only OAS grades entered by subject class teachers are available in Tracking Manager. Tracking needs to reference baselines like target grades, and where a set has multiple teachers it makes sense for the HoD to be entering a single targe...
Introduce the possibility to pseudonymise admissions records that have been withdrawn/rejected x months ago
We would look to anonymise admissions data for pupils who chose not to join us some time ago, so that we can retain the generic statistical information for future analysis whilst being GDPR compliant.
It would be good to be able to bulk update Assessment Columns titles. For example if you copy a Y7 Gradebook for use with Y8, you could select all the columns whose 'title' refers to Y7 in order to edit and overwrite Y7 with Y8.