It would be grateful if we could allow users (or the admin account) to import additional proofing languages. This would allow schools to run spell checker in other languages rather than just be limited to English. Thanks!
It would be useful to be able to select students from activities when marking students out of school. Currently able to do this via School Structure, Pastoral, Academic and Custom Groups but not via activities.
Having another option called ‘Neutral’ instead of just the current 'Postive' and 'Negative'
We would like to have a category called ‘Homework notification’ that is neither congratulatory nor pejorative. Currently this isn't possible as it must be either positive or negative. Thank you.
Assign an email address to agency staff so they receive the published cover list
e.g. We have a supply teacher from and agency called 'Gillian Sabino' who has an email address '' - ideally when I publish cover, she would receive, vai email, the cover lessons relevant to her. Thanks Nigel
At the moment there is no way for teachers to easily view exam access arrangements on a student from their record. This would be really helpful. Are there any plans for this in the future please as this is a really basic function that we would exp...
Send Automatic Email Notifications to Parents of Students Marked Absent during AM Registration
We get complaints from parents that their child has been marked absent when in fact their child was only late during the AM Registration. Upon receiving this absent notification, the parent can immediately inform the tutor or the reception to amen...
It's great you have discipline beta on the REST api now now, can we also have update and create methods. We have lots of pastoral workflows that result in detention and we currently have to send an email to an admin person to enter them manually, ...
We use categories for R&S as a preset list. Unfortunately, these descriptions are cut off when viewing from parent portal, see attached. It would be useful to resize this box for the full description to show.